the pure life

In this section of The Pure Life, you'll find all of my acne tips, education on holistic wellness topics and so much more.

Now let's get you GLOWING.

Think you have hormonal acne? Find out here.



Learn about why your gut health might be affecting your skin. Listen here.



Find out whether or not you need to cut out gluten to clear your skin! Read here.



top picks!

Let’s talk veggies. Honestly, is there anything better than a big bowl of roasted veggies? I think they are so underrated. Especially when they’re drizzled with tahini and fresh lemon juice – yes, please. This simple roasted veggie bowl is the perfect cozy meal. Eating raw veggies is amazing, but it’s also important to include some cooked […]

Simple Roasted Veggie Bowl

Roasted Veggie Bowl

Babes! It’s about time I reveal my favourite hair care tips and routine secrets. It’s no secret by now that I’m not a very girlie-girl. I’m not naturally good at curling my hair, I can’t paint my nails (no matter how many times I try) and I can’t – for the life of me – […]

My Natural Hair Care Routine

Natural Hair Care

We just returned from 3 weeks in Greece (and 1 week in Spain) and feel relaxed, refreshed and sun-kissed! Greece was absolutely everything I hoped it would be: family-run Greek taverns, dreamy sunsets, wild cats, turquoise water, small white houses with blue doors.  We fell in love with Greece. We fell in love with the food. […]

A Greece Guide

Greece Guide

You know you’re a healthy North Van foodie when… After popular demand, I bring you… The Best Healthy & Vegan Cafes in North Vancouver I hope you’re hungry!

Best Healthy & Vegan Cafes in North Vancouver

Best Vegan & Healthy Cafes in North Vancouver

  The Soba Noodle Bowl…life-changing.  I only recently got into making soba noodle bowls, although I have been a big fan of buckwheat “soba” noodles for a while now. Buckwheat is one of my favourite grains (ok, apparently it’s actually a seed) – it is packed with goodness and has a very strong flavour which […]

15-Minute Soba Noodle Bowls

15-Minute Soba Noodle Bowls

Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups. Remember the sugary classics we used to indulge in binge eat on Halloween? Yup, they were my favourite. Unfortunately, they don’t make us feel so good, and also have zero benefits for our body. The good news? I’ve got you covered. These taste just as good – wait, no – better than the […]

Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

Today is a special day – Monday – so I’ve decided to share not one, but two delicious recipes with you today! We made these Chocolate Chia Pudding Cups at our workshop this weekend. They have been a staple for me since I started on my healthy eating journey, so of course I had to share them […]

Chocolate Chia Pudding Cups

Chocolate Chia Pudding Cups

Hey, friends! Who wants to try a Green Avocado Smoothie Bowl? This week is full of delicious recipes – so get ready… We made these delicious smoothie bowls at our workshop this week, and I couldn’t be more excited to share these with you today. This bowl is packed with healthy anti-inflammatory fat like avocado, […]

Green Avocado Smoothie Bowl

Green Avocado Smoothie Bowl

It’s been a little slow over here on the blog, busy with life and birthday celebrations (I just turned 23!) and hosting workshops, but I want to share this highly requested recipe with all of you lovely people! I made these cookies for my friends, and they are definitely worth sharing. It’s so easy to […]

Classic Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Today I want to highlight a lovely lady named Rachelle. I had the pleasure of meeting Rachelle last month, where she taught me proper knife skills, how to make a killer vegan meatloaf and a healthier version of my favourite snack as a kid, Twix bars. Rachelle owns Beyond Nourished, a company that not only helps […]

Rachelle from Beyond Nourished Shares Her Super Seed Crackers Recipe

Super Seed Crackers