healthy recipe

the pure life

healthy recipe

In this section of The Pure Life, you'll find all of my acne tips, education on holistic wellness topics and so much more.

Now let's get you GLOWING.

Think you have hormonal acne? Find out here.



Learn about why your gut health might be affecting your skin. Listen here.



Find out whether or not you need to cut out gluten to clear your skin! Read here.



top picks!

A healthy and easy smoothie bowl recipe!

The Easiest Smoothie Bowl (Vegan)

Smoothie Bowl

It has been an absolutely crazy week. Returning from the Seychelles over the course of 3 days of delayed flights, missing luggage and the most terrifying turbulence I have ever experienced, I am finally settled back in Berlin. Good news is I’m healthy (besides an unfortunate winter cold), my luggage has returned and I survived […]

Cardamom Coconut Oats with Persimmon & Mandarin Oranges

 I am the green smoothie’s biggest fan. They are such a great way to pack in some extra greens and carb up for the day. In the summer, I drink smoothies at least twice a day, sometimes even thrice. Because they are just so delicious and creamy and make my body buzz with energy! This smoothie […]

Creamy Mango & Kale Smoothie

This smoothie is FANTASTIC. As I’ve mentioned before, I have battled with digestive problems for quite some time now, and occasionally I will get such an upset stomach that I will not want to eat anything, despite how hungry I may be. Smoothies are always the answer to this. They are easy to digest, give me […]

Pink Pomegranate Smoothie

Today is Dec.7th, the second day of Nikolaus here in Germany. The Christmas markets are buzzing and filled with cheerful (mostly drunk) people, smells of marzipan and cinnamon and tons of Glühwein. I fall in love with Christmas a little more every year, and moving away from home has made me realize that it truly […]

5-Minute Antioxidant Oats

My past two weeks in Berlin have been crazy. I have been meeting awesome people, eating delicious food, working hard and speed-walking around town like there’s no tomorrow. A fellow blogger and friend, Kaimo from Travel Maker Kai, suggested that I start using my blog as a place to write about my adventures as well. […]

Cranberry Coconut (Christmas) Granola

Finally, a food processor!!! I can not express the joy I had when my blender/food processor combo arrived. These are the secret joys of foodies; we go crazy over local farmers markets, Whole Foods and kitchen appliances. I am overwhelmed with happiness because I am currently enjoying 2/3 of these here in Berlin.  Grocery shopping […]

Vegan Carrot & Ginger Soup