
January Round-Up

the pure life


January has gone by way too quickly! Who agrees? It feels like yesterday that I was still bronzed from my trip to the Seychelles. In the span of one month, I’ve started a new job, got back on the green smoothie and quinoa train (boy did I miss those guys), mastered a few amazing recipes and attended more yoga classes then ever! It’s been a great month. It also has started snowing here in Berlin, which I just love. The days are slowly getting lighter, which makes me one happy girl.

Now let’s get down to business…some awesome stuff for you guys!

January Round-Up: My 8 Favourite Things


1. Winter of The World – Ken Follet – http://amzn.to/1BJUMYS

You guys  have probably have heard of this amazing series; the author who dives deep into his novels describing each and every character with such detail that you really feel like you really are in the story. This is the second of the 3 book series and it is all about World War 2, from beginning to end (I think…I’m about half way through). The novel takes you from Berlin to London to Paris, Spain and even Russia! Definitely a must read. For history buffs and non-history buffs (like me), you will learn a ton!

2. Protein Shakes 

 I shared this recipe on my facebook page but I love it so much that I thought I’d share it with you guys here as well! I’ve been drinking this almost daily and I just love it so much! Simple blend ½ of a banana, a handful of frozen raspberries, ½ cup of coconut milk and 1-2 tbsp hemp protein powder. I also like to add a dash of cinnamon sometimes. It’s great post-workout refeuler!

3. Oil of Oregano – http://amzn.to/1Ey2xaA

This special little guy has awesome super-healing powers for cold and flu-like symptoms. My trick is to mix a few drops with orange juice or water with squeezed lemon and take it like a little shot. Another great way to do it is to squeeze the drops straight into the back of your throat so you can’t taste it. You can buy oil of oregano at any health food store and most drug stores.

4. Kale Tote – http://etsy.me/1zpeoox

Does anyone agree that this bag is the best thing ever to exist in the universe of foodies? Such a great gift idea for your health-obsessed, kale-loving friends or family members!

5. Yellow Yoga – Kreuzberg – http://yellow-yoga.com/

This yoga studio has changed my whole perspective on yoga. The space is something super special. It’s basically 1 long room where they stuff about 20-30 super keen young yogis into a room. The atmosphere is amazing. The instructors lead the classes in English and focus the first 1/3 of the class on finding the connection between the mind and the body and how it ties to your practice. The last 20 minutes of the class are focused on Shavasana, where we have time to mellow down and practice the art of lying still. You honestly leave in the best mood and feeling amazing. They have classes for all levels but I’ve taken almost all level classes and I can follow along well enough to have an awesome experience. Highly recommended. See you there, Berliners!

6. Saffron Rice – http://bit.ly/1DtjXBt

Saffron rice has changed everything for me! Rice used to be quite boring for me to eat plain, but adding just a few pinches of saffron is UNBELIEVEABLE. It has such a nice buttery-like taste and is mild enough that it pairs nicely with every dish. I like to follow a recipe similar to the link above, just by adding some onion, olive oil and saffron to create a lovely fluffy side dish to keep in my fridge for the week.

7. Trash is for Tossers – http://bit.ly/15wBmhz

This girl is amazing. Lauren has lived trash free for 2 YEARS. Can you believe it? I couldn’t either and that’s why I decided to check out what she’s all about. Let’s just say I’ve fallen in love. Everything on her blog fascinates me and she delivers it all in such a relaxed, non-pushy welcoming way. This is the future people!

8. The DeliciouslyElla Cookbook  http://bit.ly/15Zr75k

I want to give a big congratulations to Ella from DeliciouslyElla on the release of her very first cookbook! Ella has been a huge inspiration to me and I can’t wait to get my hands on this beautiful book filled with tons of new and delicious recipes. Ella’s recipes are all plant-based, sugar and gluten free and all super easy to make and delicious! 

  1. Thanks for the love :) Love your site.

    aka The Bad Pickle
