5 Reasons to Go on a Yoga Retreat

5 Reasons to Go on A Yoga Retreat

the pure life


We all know and have heard of the amazing benefits of yoga retreats, or any retreat for that matter. We see them plastered all over Instagram and hear about them in conversation with our yogi friends. 

It’s no surprise that yoga retreats are:

  • relaxing, restorative and healing
  • rejuvenating, inspiring and spiritual
  • a great opportunity to disconnect

But is there more to it? You bet!

Here are 5 reasons to go on a yoga retreat (not that you needed more than 1, am I right!?)

After I had the absolute luxury of attending my first yoga retreat with Yoga Scapes and Pukka Tea on Galiano Island, I feel grounded, centred and empowered. We spent the weekend learning about Ayurvedic practices, herbs and moving through healing yin yoga and meditation sequences. I quickly began to notice the benefits of attending a yoga retreat that I would have never expected, and here they are! Because sharing is caring :)

5 Reasons to Go on a Yoga Retreat

1. Education is Empowering

After just a few days working privately with a yoga instructor and nutrition/lifestyle educator, I feel inspired and educated. As a practising Holistic Nutritionist, it’s always interesting to get a different and new perspective on the world of food and nutrition. It’s easy to get caught up in our own ways and routines, and we don’t realize that sometimes inspiring change is often necessary and can be very beneficial. It’s like taking multiple mini-workshops and putting them into practice, which makes them much easier to implement when we’re home.

2. Connecting with Strangers

I definitely thought escaping away to a yoga retreat would mean a lot of alone time. I never thought I would have met so many amazing women of all ages to connect with and learn from. The single best part of the retreat was being able to connect with women (and men!) who have come together for a similar purpose (to heal and connect with themselves and their bodies). We were able to share our stories, beliefs and struggles in a non-judgemental, safe environment. I am eternally grateful for the amazing connections I was able to make! You will be surprised at how unique a connection like that is and how foreign it feels in a world where we are quick to judge. 

3. Getting Your Groove Back

The BEST way to get your groove back (life, work, relationship, overall motivation), is to disconnect. Disconnecting and stepping outside of our daily routine or environment allows us to see our world from outside the bubble. We are able to look at our decisions and life choices from an external perspective, often making it easier to make change for the better. Judgement and excuse leave the body, and a gentle encouragement for life seems to take their place in the mind. Not is it only an amazing time to reflect, but it is also a wonderful time to make change, and this can come in 2 ways – you may feel motivated and grateful to continue to use your resources to live a fulfilling and happy life, or you may decide to completely switch gears and make some major changes in your life in order to be fulfilled and happy. Either way, this is beautiful and encouraged!

4. Deepen Your Practice

Whether you’re a practising yogi or whether you’ve tried yoga once at a community centre, there is always room for improvement. Retreats are a wonderful way to be encouraged to push yourself to deepen your asana practice. Whether the retreat is 1 day or a whole week, I can guarantee you will come home with a greater understanding of which yoga poses serve you and which don’t, and you will most likely make time to practice even just 15 minutes per day, as you will realize how amazing it makes you feel when you commit. 

5. Silence is a Gift

Managing stress can come in many forms, but meditation has to be one of the most powerful tools out there. You might discover a new form of meditation that really resonates with you, whether that be walking meditation, alternate nostril breathing or body scanning. Taking that practice into your everyday life can have a huge impact on your emotions, relationships with others and your relationship with yourself. 

I’d love to hear from you! Have you attended a yoga retreat before? What did you think? Leave a comment below and make sure to follow along on Instagram to stay up to date with all of my adventures. 

This post was in partnership with Pukka Tea. All opinions are, as always, my own. Thank you for supporting companies that support The Pure Life!

