best workouts for acne

Why I’m Switching Up My Workout Routine

the pure life


We’ve all been in workout slumps – sometimes they last a couple of days and sometimes a couple of months…or even years. I’m here today to get you out of that slump, to remind you that you and your body are worth it. You are worthy of feeling amazing, moving your beautiful body and energizing your day!

I wanted to share a bit of a personal post on here today in hopes to inspire some of you. I ran into a workout slump these past couple of years and struggled to get out of it. All it took was a little motivation, persistence and inspiring fitness instructors. It also took some time to understand the importance of balance and listening to your body, especially as a woman! 

I have teamed up with The Dailey Method to share my story and my many reasons as to why I am thriving off of switching up my workout routine. The Dailey Method is a studio that focuses on a variety of different movements and classes, such as barre, spin and slow movement classes. Within those classes, they offer different levels and various ways in which the students can move their bodies. They focus on strengthening and toning the muscles that make our core tight and keep our back protected by using small repetitive movements with light weights, bands and balls. I’m a sucker for their MELT and DaileyStretch classes, which I have found to be amazing at stretching out certain parts of the body that don’t get enough attention. I did my first month (just $79!) with them and loved the classes from the start. 

John Choi Photography


How to get out of your workout slump

Find a buddy 

  • Getting yourself a workout buddy is the best way to stay motivated! Sit down at the start of every week and plan out your workout schedule or try a 30-day membership together so you can be motivated to make the best of it. Holding each other accountable will make you feel excited to spend time with your friend and get in a good sweat – it also makes it easier to try new classes that are out of your comfort zone.

Learn to Love your Body

  • We all know the importance of self-love. Negative thoughts will get you nowhere, but positive ones can have a drastic effect on the energy you put out in the world. Start with simple affirmations like “I love my body. My body is strong and beautiful. I am healthy”. Stand in front of the mirror and repeat these words back to yourself for 30 days. 

Make it fun

  • Life is way too short for boring workouts! Find a class or gym that makes you feel welcome, motivated and the bad-ass beautiful woman you are. If the energy isn’t right, you won’t feel inspired to move your body. Don’t have a local gym to sweat at? Try online classes or youtube videos and set up a special spot in your home where you can sweat to feel beautiful.

Reward yourself with a good meal

  • After your workout, prepare a big delicious healthy meal for your beautiful body. Think of how hard you worked to make your body crave these nutrients. Load up on plant-heavy salads with small amounts of clean protein, healthy fats and fermented foods or energy balls. 

I’ve spent the last half of 2017 testing out different workouts, new studios and instructors and have completely fallen in love with mixing it up. Which is why I want to share with you exactly why I’m switching up my workout routine.

Finding a balanced, creative and intentional workout practice helps to balance hormones by listening to your body’s cycles.

  • For example, during your menstrual phase, stick to lighter reflective workouts like stretching, yoga and walking (and yes, napping is considered a sport sometimes) and during your follicular phase, it’s the perfect time to try a new workout like dance class or spin. 
  • Switching up your workouts allows you to listen to your body and recognize what’s right for YOU in that moment. Sure, spin class is amazing, but some days you just want to lay on the floor and stretch out your fascia, am I right?

It makes you hella strong.

  • It strengthens your body. Switching up your workouts every once and a while can be incredibly beneficial for not getting “stuck” in certain movements. Moving different parts of your body can allow for more flexibility, toning and strength. Challenge the muscles you don’t usually use. 
  • Not only will trying new classes make you physically strong, but it will also help to build mental strength. It will encourage you to be more confident when trying new things, starting new projects or meeting new people. Hello, new me!

It connects you with your creative side

  • Most of us thrive off of challenge and creativity, which in return can inspire creative project ideas at work or spark new relationships, so I encourage you to try something new, something opposite of what you think you “should” be doing. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
  • It makes you happier. Doing what YOU love, for YOUR body is a beautiful thing. Dig deep and find what exercises truly make you happy. Maybe that means starting your day by letting loose in a spin class or stretching out your body after a long day.

The post was done in partnership with The Dailey Method. Although this is a sponsored post, all opinions are, as always, my own! Thank you for supporting companies that support The Pure Life. For real though, love you guys. 
