How to Stay Healthy this Flu Season

How to Stay Healthy During Flu Season – 8 Easy Ways (That Don’t Require a Flu Shot)

the pure life


With flu season among us, it’s important to keep your immunity bumpin’ and strong. I am going to give you 6 simple ways to stay healthy that don’t require getting a flu shot. 

Want to know a secret? I follow these 8 easy tips and rarely ever get sick (knock on wood). Listen to your body, are you treating it with love, with respect, with health? These tips are almost too easy, but they really do work. 

Aside from these tips, I also believe that getting sick twice per year is normal to flush out the toxins and release any negative energy. When I do get sick, I manage any fever I may have by keeping it under control, I do not use ibuprofen etc. unless absolutely necessary and I use natural remedies to make my feel at ease by eating warming, stomach soothing foods like homemade broths, porridge and green juices when I can stomach them. I make sure to stay very hydrated (at least 2 litres of water per day) to flush out nasties and keep my body energized when I need it most. I use this time to rest, I cherish it by catching up on my favourite Netflix show, finishing a good book, colouring in my mandala colouring book and simply just sleeping. A good walk around the block for some fresh air is always good, and staying away from any stressful tasks is a good idea. You deserve health, and it’s much easier than you think :)

How to Stay Healthy this Flu Season

How to Stay Healthy this Flu Season


  1. Ginger Drink – Blend 1 inch of fresh organic ginger with 250ml of warm water and 1 tsp maple syrup (optional, for sweetness) and sip on this in the morning. Not only will this boost your immune system, but ginger is a natural anti-bacterial food and will help to kill any nasties in your bod’. It will also help get your digestive system moving first thing in the morning.
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar Shot – Use raw, unpasteurized apple cider (this is important), my favourite brand is Bragg’s. Mix 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar with 1/4 cup warm water and take this as an immune-boosting shot. ACV is also a natural anti-viral food. 
  3. Sleep – No, I’m serious. It’s really that easy. Sleep a good amount each night (7-9 hours, more if already sick) and let your body rest & recover. This is your time for your body to heal. 
  4. Dry Skin Brushing – this holistic technique is not only very therapeutic (light some candles, diffuse essential oils and you’ve basically got a spa), but dry skin brushing eliminates unwanted toxins from the body to help rid of those bad bacteria which may make you sick. Dry skin brushing helps to move the blood and lymphatic system around, so it can properly detox. I love using a brush before a bath, or a glove brush 
  5. Light Exercise – Exercise keeps our energy levels high and our body incredible healthy, but when you are even a little sick it can actually be a stressor on the body. During fall and winter, I recommend yoga (hot especially to rid of toxins), indoor exercise classes, running outside (only if you have the appropriate clothing, not in the rain), hiking (only if you have the appropriate clothing, not in the rain) and stretching at home. Don’t let the rain/wind/snow stop you from getting in a good workout, but be careful when it comes to exercising outdoors. 
  6. Appropriate Clothing – Which leads me to my next tip: dress appropriately! I recommend wearing a hat or toque, a warm scarf and jacket, and appropriate footwear with warm socks. This one is almost too easy. 
  7. Eat Warming Foods – I personally love eating warming, grounding foods during the colder months. I try to eat foods that naturally grow locally during this time, such as apples, pumpkins, squash, kale, chard, potatoes, and include lots of onion and garlic in my food as they act as anti-virals. I also recommend including warm soups and stews into your diet, as well as porridge, sautéed veggies, stewed fruits etc. I still include my daily green smoothie but omit the frozen fruit so it won’t be too chilly. This is a good recipe. This too. And this. And this. And this one. 
  8. Immunity Teas – There are so many fun blends of teas out there, it’s hard to pick just one! I love browsing my local health food store and grabbing a few blends from brands such as Yogi Tea. Sipping on these teas daily can help to boost your immunity, keep you super warm and cozy and they taste delicious (like Honey Lavender, mmm!

How to Stay Healthy this Flu Season img_2575Sweater: Joe Fresh

Jeans: Joe Fresh

Scarf: Iran 

Ring & Bangle: Turkey (bought it Berlin)
