
How to Make Your Coffee Acne-Friendly

the pure life


Did you know that there is such thing as acne friendly coffee?

There are many skin benefits to going caffeine free, but if you are a genuine coffee lover and cannot fathom giving up your morning brew, these acne friendly coffee tips are for you.

My tips for keeping coffee and ditching acne:

Tip #1: Switch to organic coffee and avoid toxic mold

Did you know that coffee is one of (if not the) highest sprayed crops in the world? Unfortunately, I don’t mean sprayed with fresh water or fairy dust or vitamins. I’m talking about pesticides.

Put simply, pesticides can worsen acne in two ways:

  1. Pesticides can be hard on the liver. When the liver becomes bogged down with pesticides, it can become sluggish, leading to the accumulation of toxins in the body. These toxins get eliminated through other pathways such as the skin, where we see things like acne.
  2. Pesticides are associated with inflammation. Acne is an inflammatory process, so in addressing acne holistically we try to eliminate as many unnecessary sources of inflammation as possible.

Coffee is also susceptible to mold growth, specifically mycotoxins, which grow on coffee when it is stored improperly. Unfortunately, mold is linked to many health issues, including skin problems.

How to avoid mold in your coffee:

  • Opt for small-batch, locally roasted.
  • Choose whole beans and grind yourself (avoid instant coffee).
  • Buy organic.
  • Store your beans in the fridge or freezer to preserve freshness.

My favourite organic coffees:

My favourite locally-roasted organic coffees:

Tip #2: Make your coffee acne friendly by adding a healthy fat

I’m just going to go ahead and say you’re welcome for this tip in advance. Because one, your coffee will become extra delicious and two, you can avoid the dreaded caffeine spike and crash. Yay!

Try adding a healthy fat such as almond milk or blend in some coconut butter with a blender or frother. If you dream of creamy coffee, you’ll never look back.

How does fat make coffee acne friendly?

Fat is a slow digesting macronutrient, so it can help slow the absorption of the caffeine when combined with coffee. Caffeine can cause cortisol spikes in the body -> cortisol increases sebum production -> which can lead to acne.

My favourite healthy fat sources to add to coffee:

  • If using a blender, you can add a spoonful of any of these:
    • coconut butter (can also be added to a milk frother)
    • almond butter
    • hemp seeds
  • A scoop of canned coconut cream

Tip #3: Switch to natural sweeteners for acne friendly coffee

Manuka honey has two key benefits when it comes to acne:

  • Manuka honey is antibacterial: Bacteria can trigger inflammation in the skin’s oil glands creating what we know to be pimples. Antibacterial agents like Manuka honey help to fight bad bacteria.
  • Manuka honey has immune-supporting properties: Our skin is part of our immune system, so adding a spoonful of Manuka to your morning brew can be a great rounded approach to supporting your body’s overall health.
  • Manuka honey is anti-inflammatory: We know that acne is an inflammatory condition, so Manuka honey’s ability to reduce inflammation is super useful in preventing breakouts.

More nutritious sweetener options:

Raw local honey: choosing an unpasteurized honey keeps the active enzyme and antibacterial properties intact. Raw honey is naturally immune supporting, which makes it extra important for skin health (our skin is a part of our immune defence system).

Maple syrup: high in minerals, maple syrup is also a good choice for natural sweetener. I find a little goes a long way, so starting with 1 tsp should be perfect!

Coconut sugar or stevia: these are my last choice, but if you truly can’t kick the taste of sugar in your coffee, or you are looking for a healthier artificial sweetener alternative, try 1 tsp of coconut sugar or pure stevia!

Tip #4: What time should you drink coffee?

This one should be easy, so if you don’t know where to start, start with this tip!

Drinking your coffee with your breakfast rather than before your breakfast can help mitigate a spike in cortisol which over time can lead to adrenal fatigue. This is a similar concept to adding a fat to your coffee, where adding food (especially a meal rich in protein, fat and/or fibre) helps slow the absorption of caffeine.

Again, the reason we want to do this is to avoid cortisol spikes, which lead to spikes in oil production, which can lead to acne.

Another good rule to follow is no coffees after Noon. Instead, reach for a green tea or herbal tea instead to avoid melatonin disruption.

Ready to give acne friendly coffee a try?

Tag me in your new and improved coffee on Instagram and we can cheers to clear skin together.
