
5-Minute Antioxidant Oats

the pure life


Today is Dec.7th, the second day of Nikolaus here in Germany. The Christmas markets are buzzing and filled with cheerful (mostly drunk) people, smells of marzipan and cinnamon and tons of Glühwein. I fall in love with Christmas a little more every year, and moving away from home has made me realize that it truly is not about the presents, but rather spending time with family and loved ones, and of course all of the delicious home-cooked meals. This will be my first Christmas away from home in years, which will be tough for me. Luckily I have the Christmas markets to keep me occupied ;) 

You may notice that my recipe cards no longer contain the caloric content of the recipe. This will stay this way. I do not count calories and I don’t think it is necessary when you are eating healthy, wholesome foods (like these 5-Minute Antioxidant Oats)! It’s pretty basic, just eat healthy plant-based foods as much as you can and stay away from junk, sugar-loaded and processed foods. Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. I have adopted this lifestyle through so many different outlets of inspiration, but mostly from the other bloggers I follow. So a big shoutout to all of you amazing food bloggers out there! 

Oats are the new green smoothie. Well, at least for me they are! It’s just getting too darn chilly here in Berlin to be drinking a large chilled glass of frozen fruit every morning. Oats really fill me up and they also make my bank account happy. It’s just an all around win-win situation. So I know that tons of you are going through some stressful exams right now, so I wanted to share with you the breakfast that has kept me going, strong and relaxed. Oats are an anti-stress food, as well as the antioxidants in the berries and pomegrante seeds. Actually, all of the ingredients in these oats are sort of amazing for you. So eat up!

First things first, you’ll need some oats. I definitely recommend some small, thinner oats (quick oats) as opposed to tougher, rolled oats (but these are great as well). If you are sticking this in your fridge overnight, then feel free to use any kind of oats. I prefer steel-cut oats for overnight oats because they become super creamy when you leave them in nut milk overnight. So without further adieu, let’s eat some 5- Minute Antioxidant Oats. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them! X

1. Oats


2. Chia Seeds

The magic seed has a super long list of amazing health benefits. Chia is a source of protein and helps combine the oats if you leave them overnight. Chia seeds are also an amazing source of healthy fats, which are really important for the repair and maintenance of the body.


3. Creamy almond butter 

Almond butter is the new peanut butter. It’s a great way to pack in some plant-based protein and add a little creaminess to your oats. Make sure to mix it in really well with the oats to get the best effect. A little goes a long way with almond butter!


4. Fresh berries and pomegranates

Antioxi-what? Antioxidants are immunity-boosting, health-supporting, cancer-fighting and are found in fruits like berries and pomegranates. Plus, these fruits will turn your oatmeal purple. Cool.


Now mix everything together and enjoy just like that, or feel free to leave them overnight in the fridge for a quick and easy breakfast. 



  • 1 cup of oats
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • 1/4 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
  • 1/4 cup fresh pomegranate seeds
  • 3/4 cup rice milk or water + more if desired
  • 1 tsp cinnamon


  1. Add all of the ingredients to a bowl and mix really well.
  2. If you want them warm, simply heat the mixture in a pot on the stove for a few minutes until warm and creamy.
  3. To make these into overnight oats, simply add all of the ingredients together and add another 1/2 cup of water or nut milk to make them extra creamy and leave in the fridge overnight to take with you in the morning!
